Experience of use AlfaGen

Bruce's experience in London with AlfaGen Gel

How Bruce from London raised his AlfaGen gel cock

Good day. My name is Bruce and I am 44 years old. I would like to tell you about my experience with AlfaGen gel. I have been looking for a safe and effective medicine for many years. I learned about this from a friend of mine last year. I want to show you how to use this tool to get precious inches. I will give you a detailed summary of AlfaGen gel, I will share how I used the unique makeup.

How to use penis enlargement gel?

There is nothing difficult in using AlfaGen gel, any man can master the rules. The drug contains detailed instructions for use. I have noticed that you need to apply makeup on the penis every day, several times in a circular motion. Please note that you should rub the product half an hour before sexual intercourse. After application, a pleasant feeling of warmth appears in the lower abdomen. He noted that sexual desire arose in the first week of use. Although, before that, even the morning meeting disappeared. Sex did not bring me pleasure, feelings were minimal during sex.

I liked the fact that there are no aggressive substances in the gel. The composition is not fine, it does not cause redness, it fits me perfectly. The tool starts blood circulation in the pelvic organs, increases the sensitivity of the penis. And the extra stimulation will only improve the effect of the substances.

First week

Photo of a AlfaGen gel tube from Bruce medicine review

In the first week of using AlfaGen, I was already able to see the first improvements in terms of health. Although the first day I thought nothing was happening and the cream was not working on me. I developed a sexual desire, my sensitivity increased significantly. My wife also noted that I began to show interest in her.

The second week

I continued to use the gel as directed. There were no side effects. The look of the penis was starting to please. Added 2 cm in length, and the volume increased slightly. I was able to enjoy sex. At the same time, there was no premature ejaculation.

Effect from one month of use

It took 30 days of regular use of AlfaGen. No single side effect was observed. All the ingredients worked perfectly, the power increased, I feel great, there was a strength. And finally I got the desired + 5 cm. The shape of the penis is now perfect, the sensitivity is excellent, some plus.

I can recommend the drug to men, because I have personally experienced its effects. The most effective and affordable tool for solving delicate problems. No need to panic, just order the medicine today and feel like a sex hero.